Decorating the tree
Wednesday night, while Daddy was at a meeting, Nathan, Caleb and I put the ornaments on our Christmas tree (thankfully Carah and Scott put up the tree and put on the lights since that was out of the question for me this year - thanks guys).
This picture seriously captures how things went with our tree trimming.
First, notice the ornament? Rock 'em, sock 'em robots? That perfectly depicts how Nathan and Caleb got along during the event. From the word go, they were fighting over ornaments and where things could go on the tree and who touched each other's stuff or who was looking at the other....on and on and on it went. It got so bad that the Christmas music I had so sweetly playing in the background couldn't even drown out their noise.... Only, and I MEAN only, after I pulled out the scary mommy voice and threatened to tell Daddy (that ALWAYS works) did the bickering stop. :)
Then take a close look at Caleb's mouth. Notice he's talking, right? Well after the bickering stopped, both Caleb and Nathan decided that they hadn't gotten in their recommended daily allowance of words. Instantly, they both turned into chatty cathy dolls on an adrenaline high - talking simultaneously about their day, babbling about nothing, giving commentary on the name it...they talked about it. Me, who LOVES peace and quiet, right in the middle of the mix - smiling, nodding and trying to stay half tuned in with my "mommy hearing" Oh, my aching ears. :)
Silly story aside, this is what tree trimming IS REALLY LIKE at our house. It is not some idealic Christmas card picture but is just US being US. Bickering, talking, complaining and all. In the end, the tree is full of our special ornaments, it looks beautiful and we had lots of fun (and laughs and sighs....) in the process.. That's what Christmas memories are all about. :)
loving the cheesy smile and that's his FAVORITE new ornament - The Nightmare Before Christmas
Love the tree. We got ours started today after cutting it down yesterday. tell Scott we have been using the Sawzall to cut it down for a couple years and everyone looks at us and tells us they should have done the same! I had 4 kids helping me put on the lights tonite. That was interesting:) Great pics of the boys and their lovely faces! Love your journaling too. Have a great week.
love your blog. I will definately be back.
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