When the little one is "pecking me to death"...
he is my salve. I heard the expression once, "Having children is like being pecked to death by chickens". I giggled and then dismissed it...not my children! And quite honestly, I usually stick by the not my children thing but...there are days..... This morning was one of them.
It went something like this. The littlest was up at 5:15 a.m. because he decided the pumpkin light on the timer in his room scared him to death. (I think that was a ploy but that's a story for another day). Now, I admit to exaggerating for a laugh but I kid you not, this morning...from 5:15 a.m. to the time he left for school, 8:15 a.m., he was quite busy pecking me to death. Turn the TV on. I can't hear it. I don't want to watch THIS Tom and Jerry. Let me SCREAM at the top of my lungs when the whole house is asleep just for the heck of it. Let me SCREAM some more because you are upstairs waking up Budgy and I need my bum wiped. Let me fuss about my breakfast. Let me fuss about my sticky hands. Did I tell you I HATE this toothpaste, even though I insisted you buy it. And it went on and on and on. Anyways, you get the picture.
Now the part about Nathan. He is my salve. He is the calm serene happy little face that I focus on when I'm in the midst of this torture. He wakes up with a smile. He asks for little. He eats his breakfast happily and thanks me profusely for making it. He tells me he loves the drawings I leave in his lunchbox. He tells me he loves me over and over again. He just is EASY. Now mind you, I LOVE each and everyone of my kids. They are my greatest joy and blessing but this morning. I am especially grateful for him. Thank you Nathan. :)
loved reading this post! my two are a little mix of both; they each have their moments. but usually when the little one acts up, my oldest is always on my side to help out. he is the easy one and most difficult all rolled into one. we butt heads constantly about school work, keep the room clean and eating, but he makes up for it with his super-sweetness!
have a great Sunday and thanks for visiting my blog :)
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